SUBARU Tech-info Website
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  • Check each item listed under "Getting started".
  • Does the LAN you are connected to restrict access to websites on the Internet? If it seems likely that this is the case, please contact your LAN administrator.
  • If the problem occurs when paying by PayPal, please refer also to PayPal Help.
I want proof of payment when purchasing a subscription.
  • An invoice will be sent by e-mail. A V.A.T. number will be included for corporate users with a registered V.A.T. number.
V.A.T. was added to the amount I was billed, even though I am in the EU.
  • Do you live in Belgium? SUBARU Europe, which operates the SUBARU Tech-info Website, is a Belgian company, so V.A.T. is added to orders from customers in Belgium.
  • Have you registered your V.A.T. number on the SUBARU Tech-info Website? V.A.T. is included in the total for users who have not registered a V.A.T. number.
  • Is your V.A.T. number valid? We are unable to accept invalid or expired V.A.T. numbers. The SUBARU Tech-info Website uses the V.A.T. Number Validation Service to check the validity of numbers. This is a public EU service that can be found at
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  • Check each item listed under "Getting started".
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  • Check each item listed under "Getting started".
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